Vishwa Patel

Toronto, ON - Email:


2025    BFA (pending), Drawing & Painting, OCAD University, Toronto, ON (expected graduation: May 2025).

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2025  Story Story, DesignTO, Collision Gallery, Toronto, ON.

2025    Cave to Creatures , Vishwa Patel, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, ON

2024    Congruent (by definitions), Adora Lau, Aurora Cultural Centre, Aurora, ON.

2024    Intersections: Thread of Tradition and Identity – Food, Arts Etobicoke, Cloverdale Common, Toronto, ON

2024    Videsh: Indian Women From Abroad, Vishwa Patel, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, ON

2023    New Vistas Next Steps, City of Toronto, Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery, Toronto,ON

2023    A Breathing Room For The Spirit, Anna Petrosyan and Christina Barrot, OCAD University, Toronto, ON

2023    South Asian Roots, Arts Etobicoke, Cloverdale Common, Toronto, ON

2023    Bharat Darshana, OCAD Hindu Students Association, Open Space Gallery, Toronto, ON

2023    Seeds of Saffron, The South Asian Society, Ada Slaight Hallway Gallery, Toronto, ON

2022    ThisPlacement, Student Art Spaces, Daniels Spectrum Hallway Gallery, Toronto, ON

2022    Blueprint for a Collective Home, Shoes Off Collective, OCADU Great Hall, Toronto, ON 

2022    Portraits of Resilience, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, ON and Virtual.

2021    face2face: virtualexhibition 2021, OCAD University, Virtual.

Curatorial Projects:

2025    Caves to Creatures , Vishwa Patel, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, ON

2024    Videsh: Indian Women From Abroad, Vishwa Patel, Ada Slaight Gallery, Toronto, ON

2023    Bharat Darshana, OCAD Hindu Students Association, Open Space Gallery, Toronto, ON

2023    Seeds of Saffron, The South Asian Society, Ada Slaight Hallway Gallery, Toronto,ON

2022    ThisPlacement, Student Art Spaces, Daniels Spectrum Hallway Gallery, Toronto, ON

Publications and Media:

2025 Stories We Tell: International Collaborative Zine, pg 10, 11, OCAD University (February)

2024    "Art Bytes | Congruent (by definitions) - Voiced by the Artists", Aurora Cultural Centre,  December 5. 

2024    "Shaktii Foundation celebrates Hindu Heritage Month", OMNI Television, November 11.

2022    SketchThis! Magazine, pg 3, Toronto (April).

2021    Metamorphosis: Drawing Across Disciplines Class Zine, cover, Toronto (November).

2021    “Vishwa Patel, Drawing & Painting”, Humans of OCAD U, Toronto (October).

2021    Drawing Across Disciplines Class Zine, pg 13, Toronto (October).


2024    DesignTO Youth: Story Story, DesignTO, Virtual.

2024    Preservation and Perseverance Residency, Global Skills Opportunity, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

2024    CreateSpace PublicArt Forum Residency, STEPS Public Art, Virtual.

2021    SAS Exhibition Fellowship, Student Art Spaces Canada, Toronto, ON.

Projects/Other Affiliations:

2025     EWA: Rajni Perera Interview, Vishwa Patel, Isabella Nicastro, Kyra Kaushal, Toronto, ON.

2024-2025     Encounters With Artists, Derek Sullivan and Max Dean, OCAD University, Toronto, ON.

2024-2025      Board Member/Volunteer for Friends of South Asia, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON. 

2021-2025      Facts, No Printer, Leonardo Dell'anno, OCADULiVE, Toronto, ON.

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